1. Select the category you wish to enter.
2. Follow the instructions to create an account and register.
3. You will receive an email, to validate your account add the validation code.
If you are having issues please contact the team by emailing: events@diversityumbrella.co.uk
4. Complete the entry form for your submission; you can make multiple entries.
5. You must accept the terms and conditions and submit the form for it to be acknowledged and be accepted as a submission.
6. You can revisit your account and make changes up to the closing date.
These awards are FREE to enter.
Outstanding Wellness Network of the Year
When we are content we are more productive, in both our personal and work life. Having underlying stresses and health issues can distract us and impact every aspect of our being. Wellness networks support people through many different challenges. This award goes to the Wellness Network which has achieved the most over the past year.
Outstanding Executive Sponsor of the Year
The work of an Executive Sponsor is key to the success of the ERG they support, ensuring their work is understood at a senior level and shared with the wider business. This award celebrates the individual who has gone above and beyond to help create a safe supportive environment where colleagues can thrive.
Outstanding Ally of the Year
Allies play a crucial role in supporting ERGs by amplifying the voices of marginalised groups and advocating for their needs, even if they are not a member of that group themselves. This award recognises an ally who plays a crucial role in their network’s community.
Outstanding Ability Network of the Year
Ability ERGs aim to expand a company's culture of inclusion and understanding by raising awareness that those with disabilities have vital skills and unique talents and are an important dimension of diversity. This award goes to the Ability Network which has achieved the most over the past year.
Network Unsung Hero of the Year
In every club, group or organisation there is someone who quietly gets things done, someone who is always ready to help out without expectation of reward or recognition. This award goes to an individual within a network who is a real team player helping ensure the network’s goals are achieved.
Network Leads should be nominated in the Outstanding Network Lead category, not here.
Outstanding Family Network of the Year
Being a carer in any capacity is tricky enough in itself, without throwing the challenges of employment into the mix. Family ERGs aim to support parents, guardians and caregivers and help them juggle the stresses of family life whilst maintaining a career. This award goes to the Family Network which has achieved the most over the past year.
Outstanding LGBTQIA Network of the Year
Everyone should be themselves at work as well as at home. LGBTQIA ERGs help provide a safe and supportive community for employees, and to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the company and the broader community. This award goes to the LGBTQIA Network which has achieved the most over the past year.
Outstanding Women’s Network of the Year
It might feel that the gender balance within the workplace is becoming more equal for female employees, but women often have fewer opportunities than their male counterparts. Women’s ERGs create awareness around issues women face in the workplace, providing them with tools, resources and support. This award goes to the Women’s Network which has achieved the most over the past year.
Outstanding Network Lead of the Year
This award recognises and celebrates an individual or individuals who show exceptional leadership of their ERG, providing a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for their colleagues and therefore creating a positive impact on the business.
Outstanding New Network of the Year
Starting a new employee network is a challenging undertaking, but it can be transformative for both the community involved and the business. This award goes to the New Network which has proven itself in the two years’ since its inception.
Best Network Initiative
Initiatives are implemented by ERGs to promote their networks and share lived experiences that help others to understand and appreciate the challenges their particular community faces. This award goes to the Best Network Initiative implemented over the past year.
Head of Diversity of the Year
A company's Head of Diversity is the lynchpin of their organisation's DEI policy, setting the standards for others to follow. This award is given to the HoD who has demonstrated excellence and commitment to their business’s ERGs over the past year.
Outstanding Employee Network of the Year
We are aware that there are many networks doing fantastic work that don’t fall into the categories we’ve chosen for these inaugural words. This category is to celebrate those ERGs. This award goes to the Employee Network which has achieved the most over the past year.
Outstanding Ethnicity Network of the Year
Multiculturalism and ethnicity play a huge part in who we are; networks that support and promote the importance of race, religion and culture help both employees and businesses to thrive. This award goes to the Ethnicity Network which has achieved the most over the past year.
Network of Networks
This award celebrates the ‘best of the best’; our winners from each of the eight network categories will go head to head to see who will be crowned with the ultimate accolade of Network of All Networks.
You cannot submit an entry for this category; judging is limited to the category winners.